Sunday, November 9, 2008

David Kalsom and NIMBY

NYRI apparently brought their public relations rep to the recent public meetings, Mr. David Kalsom.

The NIMBY word is used once again in this article. NYRI is always arguing that their project should be judged on its merits, yet they rely on NIMBY instead of facts and serious conversations with local officials.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NYRI certainly does refer to NIMBY as they dismiss the public's opposition to their project. However, perhaps even more appalling, CARI, STOP NYRI, and other groups, do use this argument also. "Not in my backyard, but it is fine in YOUR backyard (i.e. put the new line on the existing MARCY-SOUTH line. IE It's not ok in MY backyard, but it's fine in YOURS."). Self-interest above honest environmental concern!