Sunday, November 16, 2008

NorNed Submarine Cable; 360 miles; 700 MW

Longest submarine DC cable at 360 miles (580 km). It joins Norway and the Netherlands. 450 kV. The cost was approximately 708 million US dollars.

If they can place 360 miles of DC cable, then NYRI should be able to bury their 190 miles of DC cable. &

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tenet Netherland Standard

0.4 microTesla

This standard is also for AC lines (not static lines)??

NRPB to ICNIRP guidelines March 2004

According to this cached document NRPB decided to follow ICNRP guidelines March 2004.

The NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines are the same for occupational exposure. The main difference is that for the public, the ICNIRP levels are a factor of five lower.

“The detailed scientific analysis by NRPB staff supports the recommendation by ICNIRP that exposure guidelines for members of the public should be more restrictive than for workers. This allows for a greater sensitivity to adverse health effects in the general population than for the working population. Increases in sensitivity may occur in infants and children, individuals being treated with medication, and those in the later years of life. The ICNIRP recommendation of a reduction factor of five in the basic restriction for members of the public compared with workers is appropriate.”

From the table:
94 NRPB: 1600 microTesla
98 ICNIRP Occupational: 500 microTesla
98 ICNIRP Public: 100 microTesla

These standards are for AC lines???

NRPB Joined HPA on April 1, 2005

NRPB joined the Health Protection Agency on 1 April 2005.

DC Standards from NYRI Application

400 Gauss or 40 milliTesla is the limit (reference NRPB 2004 & ICNIRP 1994)
This does match this ICNIRP document (see page 24/25 of 39) for static fields.

Magnetic Field (Conversion - Tesla and Gauss)

1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss
1 milliTesla = 10 Gauss
1 microTesla = .01 Gauss=10 milliGauss
0.1 microTesla=1 milliGauss
0.4 microTesla = 4 milliGauss

DOE Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC)

Draft Reports on:
Electricity Supply Adequacy
Smart Grid
Energy Storage Technologies

Ch 4 of the Electricity Supply report discussion transmission

Committee Roster (
From our area----includes National Grid, GE, Mr. Robert Thomas from Cornell

Economics of Nuclear Power

Virtual Nuclear Tourist

Lots of effort put into this site. General info:

Nine Mile Point & Fitzpatrick Information

For the entire state:

Nuclear Plant Permit - Nine Mile Point

Nine Mile Point, New York (UniStar Nuclear, Constellation)

On September 30, 2008, UniStar filed a COL Application with the NRC.UniStar Nuclear (A joint venture of Constellation and AREVA NP, formed by Electricite de France (EDF)) announced on 27 October 2005 its intent to file a COL with the NRC for several nuclear power plants. Sites under consideration included Constellation's existing nuclear power site at Nine Mile Point, New York. According to an EDF communiqué de presse, a COL application has been filed but a final decision on whether to proceed with construction upon approval has not been made. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Public Service Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be invited to participate in reviewing the project. As of this posting, the application was not yet available for on-line review by the public.

FERC 5 Myths

From a FERC presentation (11/11)

Five myths
1. Eminent domain will be the primary method used to acquire ROW
2. FERC will not hold local community meetings
3. FERC will not consider alternatives to proposed routes
4. Landowners will be denied a role and not be protected
5. FERC will not consider the State record

My rebuttals:
#1---The basic process is that there are negotiations, and if there is no settlement, then eminent domain is used. But knowing that eminent domain can be used against you, what choice do you really have not to negotiate?
#2---Instead of Utica, they held the NIETC public comments in Rochester
#3-#5---I read through hundreds of comments on the NIETC process---from utilities to public service commission comments to public citizen comments. I don't believe FERC made one (not one) single change to their plans based on any of those comments.

Actions (& inactions) mean more than words.

slide 3/14--The NYRI project does not cross state borders. I've never understood why FERC can overrule a project located wholly within the state of New York.

Cobble Beach Golf Links

Google Earth Picture-----GPS Coordinates N44 40 25 W80 55 10
The satellite picture is old; the course is still under construction. It's gotten 2 reviews so far (one good--5 stars and one not so good---3 stars).
The "not so good" one:

David Kalsom and NIMBY

NYRI apparently brought their public relations rep to the recent public meetings, Mr. David Kalsom.

The NIMBY word is used once again in this article. NYRI is always arguing that their project should be judged on its merits, yet they rely on NIMBY instead of facts and serious conversations with local officials.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

2008 New York State Rail Plan - working draft

NYSW is a Class II railroad. (pg 45/174) and operates 261 miles of track (46/174)

"Class II Regional railroads have annual revenues between $40 million and $319.3 million or provide at least 350 miles of service" (45/174)


The below "quote" is from a blog. I can't find any proof however, that the numbers are correct. (could FOIL NYSDOT?) It wouldn't surprise me, of course, that NYSW managed to collect million(s) of dollars of public money for services not rendered.

According to the state DOT, "since June 2006, NYS&W has made no attempt to restore the line to service and such failure violates several provisions of the various contracts."The petition cites the railroad for failing to maintain the track, not seeking the Commissioner's approval before filing the notice to discontinue service and for not making arrangements to reimbursement the NYSDOT for approximately $1.29 million in project costs.The railway currently has 13 contracts (six for "track and structure rehabilitation" and seven for "highway/railroad structure rehabilitation") open with the NYSDOT related to the Utica Branch, which includes the stretch of track along which they are seeking to discontinue use. These contracts total more than $13 million in taxpayer dollars.

Here is the official document w/ respect to NYSDOT.

NYSW Discontinuance (Not Abandonment)

Official decision on NYSW's petition to discontinue service of the section between Chenango Forks and Sherburne. Docket AB_286_5_X

Per footnote #1:
NYS&W states that it will use the discontinued line for rail car storage and other private uses. NYS&W also states that the title to the property is currently held by the Broome and Chenango County Industrial Development Authorities.

Also related:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Solar PV Potential for New York

Rob Mcleese Speaker APPrO Conf 07

Green Power Workshop 2003 McLeese

See cost/capacity factors, page 18/20

Access Capital's Website

Web Cast Participants-NIETC-May 23, 2007

Rob McLeese
Access Capital Corp.

Richard Muddiman

Rob McLeese: Let There Be "No" Light

Remarks by Glenna Carr Chair Independent Electricity System Operator, Feb. 2006 (pg 4/14)

"Supply was never interrupted last summer. The IESO didn’t let the lights flicker
as Rob McLeese – the Chair of the Toronto Board of Trade’s Electricity Task
Force, noted recently in the Toronto Star. Rob was quoted as saying that one of
the biggest mistakes the IESO made last summer was in keeping the lights on.
Rob’s point of course was that there is nothing like a blackout to make people
realize the severity of the supply situation, particularly in Toronto.
While you
may be right Rob, I trust you will be pleased to hear the IESO’s number one
priority is to keep the lights on."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Public Corporation & FOIL, NYRI Incorporation Date

Apparently NYRI is not (nor will be) a public corporation; however, I'm leaving the links and descriptions.

"New York Regional Interconnect Inc. is a New York corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York."$FILE/001_Matter%20of%20Application.pdf

Definitions of public corporation.

According to this link, a New York State Public Corporation is subject to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL).

This data shows NYRI as a "domestic business corporation" incorporated April 28, 2005. Richard Muddiman is still listed as CEO.

More explanation here

Public Authorities Control Board

Cobble Beach and Willis McLeese

Rob Mcleese and his father built a brand new golf course in Ontario. Here is a picture of the patriarch himself, accepting an award for the best new golf course 2007. (Ref:

Here is a picture of the club house. Do you see any transmission lines anywhere? If there are no significant visual impacts and no degradation of property values why did they apparently bury all their power lines? (Ref:

What's good for the goose is definitely not good for the gander.

If I carried my anti-NYRI sign and paced outside the front entrance of the club house, I would probably be arrested for trespassing and kicked (ungraciously) out of Canada. But apparently NYRI can take my United States property by eminent domain against my own wishes and I still get to pay taxes on that property.

Three other links/descriptions: & &

NIMBY Teshmont

Another accusation of NIMBY, this time by the Canadian company Teshmont. I doubt anyone from Teshmont has actually been here in upstate New York and walked the 190-miles that will be impacted by their line. I doubt if they have actually talked to anyone potentially impacted by their design. I doubt they attended any public hearings.

Ref: (page 8/11)