Saturday, November 8, 2008


The below "quote" is from a blog. I can't find any proof however, that the numbers are correct. (could FOIL NYSDOT?) It wouldn't surprise me, of course, that NYSW managed to collect million(s) of dollars of public money for services not rendered.

According to the state DOT, "since June 2006, NYS&W has made no attempt to restore the line to service and such failure violates several provisions of the various contracts."The petition cites the railroad for failing to maintain the track, not seeking the Commissioner's approval before filing the notice to discontinue service and for not making arrangements to reimbursement the NYSDOT for approximately $1.29 million in project costs.The railway currently has 13 contracts (six for "track and structure rehabilitation" and seven for "highway/railroad structure rehabilitation") open with the NYSDOT related to the Utica Branch, which includes the stretch of track along which they are seeking to discontinue use. These contracts total more than $13 million in taxpayer dollars.

Here is the official document w/ respect to NYSDOT.

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